Emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are considered to be primarily responsible for the global warming that has been experienced...
The Hydrogen Connection: a decisive step towards energy sustainability in Spain and Europe
Sergio Martín|Jul 5, 2024| Technical articles
Recently, Spain and France have taken a significant step forward in their energy collaboration by agreeing on the shareholding of the future...
Critical Materials in the Renewable Hydrogen Value Chain
Sergio Martín|Jun 21, 2024| Technical articles
In recent years, hydrogen has been shown to be one of the alternatives for decarbonising both industrial and domestic activity. Currently, hydrogen...
EEX auctions for H2 production confirmed for 2024
Juan Palencia|May 24, 2024| Technical articles
Renewable hydrogen, produced from renewable energies, has been identified as one of the great hopes for a climate-neutral future. The main objective...
Approval of new European CO2 emissions standards for heavy duty vehicles
Juan Palencia|May 17, 2024| Technical articles
Following the European Parliament's approval of new regulations on CO2 emissions from heavy duty vehicles, the European Council formally adopted...
European Hydrogen Bank auction updates
Sergio Martín|May 10, 2024| Technical articles
Last week, the European Commission announced the seven winning projects of the European Hydrogen Bank's pilot auction, which has already been...
Reforms in the European Gas and Electricity Markets
Sergio Martín|Apr 26, 2024| Technical articles
Last April, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union approved the adoption of a series of vital reforms for the gas markets,...
Uses of electrolytic oxygen
Sergio Martín|Apr 19, 2024| Technical articles
Today, oxygen is mostly produced by cryogenic air distillation (CDA). In other words, the air is filtered, compressed, and liquefied and then...
German public-private funding model for the development of H2 transport networks
Juan Palencia|Mar 22, 2024| Technical articles
An essential component of the transition process towards climate neutrality is the development of a hydrogen backbone distribution network at both...
Challenges related to the water required for renewable H2 production
Sergio Martín|Mar 7, 2024| Technical articles
In recent years, due to climate change, the number of droughts is increasing worldwide. In Spain they are becoming more and more common, especially...
India signs up to the Renewable Hydrogen race. Japan boosts efforts again.
Sergio Martín|Feb 23, 2024| Technical articles
India has an acute need to decarbonise its economy. It is currently the world's third largest CO2 emitter, responsible for 7% of global emissions,...
Impact of additionality and time correlation requirements on the level of emissions in grid-connected renewable hydrogen production
Juan Palencia and Sergio Martín|Feb 1, 2024| Technical articles
How to produce hydrogen in an environmentally friendly way is a complex and topical issue. The European Union is at the forefront of legislative...
H2Med vs SoutH2, the two possible H2 corridors in Southern Europe
Sergio Martín and Juan Palencia|Jan 5, 2024| Technical articles
Due to the decarbonisation plans proposed by the European Union, in which renewable hydrogen takes a major role, it is necessary to implement a...
First European Hydrogen Bank Auction
Sergio Martín and Rafael Ortiz|Dec 13, 2023| Technical articles
November 23rd, the European Commission announced the first €800 million in grants from the European Economic Area Innovation Fund to support...
Natural Hydrogen Geological Formations
Sergio Martín and Rafael Ortiz|Nov 24, 2023| Technical articles
The energy transition proposed by the European Union, which aims to achieve zero emissions by 2050, is based on the renewable electrification of all...
Renewable Hydrogen Leadership Contest
Sergio Martín and Rafael Ortiz|Nov 10, 2023| Technical articles
In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on 13th October 2023, Joe Biden announced the projects that will be funded by the first America's Clean Hydrogen...
Ammonia Cracking
Guillermo Maldonado|Oct 16, 2023| Technical articles
Ammonia (NH3) is a vital molecule in the chemical industry, and its large-scale production is essential for manufacturing nitrogen fertilisers,...
IAA Mobility Munich 2023
Juan Palencia|Sep 12, 2023| Technical articles
Throughout the week of the 5th to 10th September 2023, a new edition of the International Motor Show, the IAA MOBILITY 2023, was celebrated in...
Guarantees of Origin
Rafael Ortiz and Andrea Costa|Jul 28, 2023| Technical articles
A new Spanish regulation regarding guarantees of origin for renewable gases will allow gases such as biogas and hydrogen to be identified and...
Political institutional boost for the SoutH2 Corridor
Juan Palencia|Jun 1, 2023| Technical articles
Over the last few weeks of May, the Austrian, German and Italian authorities signed a joint letter supporting the SoutH2 Corridor, or Southern...
First projects for large-scale hydrogen production at sea using wind power plants
Juan Palencia|May 5, 2023| Technical articles
The future large-scale generation of hydrogen at sea using offshore wind turbines is gradually becoming a reality. Researchers at the Fraunhofer...
City buses: Emission-free by 2030
Juan Palencia|Mar 24, 2023| Technical articles
The European Commission, as part of its ambitious new CO2 emission targets for new heavy duty vehicles (HDVs), proposes that all new city buses...
European Hydrogen Bank: Inminent release and auction schemes
Juan Palencia|Mar 7, 2023| Technical articles
This new SynerHy blog post analyses the operating mechanisms of the European Hydrogen Bank, announced in the State of the Union speech in September...
Development of a hydrogen transport infrastructure of its own in Europe: Germany plans for an 1800 km network of pipelines by 2027
Juan Palencia|Dec 7, 2022| Technical articles
Over the last few weeks, several news articles have been published which could jeopardise the fast and proper development of a "Hydrogen Economy" in...
Emerging innovations areas in hydrogen industry
Juan Palencia|Nov 24, 2022| Technical articles
Here, on this new SynerHy blog post, we highlight GlobalData's report "Hydrogen Economy: key disruptive forces for the global transition to...
Hydrogen and heavy transport: IAA Transportation 2022 Hannover (Part Two)
Juan Palencia|Nov 3, 2022| Technical articles
In the first blog of the IAA Transportation Hannover 2022, we summarised the latest innovations of the leading manufacturers of heavy-duty vehicles...
Hydrogen global flows, EU market and geopolitical implications
Juan Palencia|Oct 19, 2022| Technical articles
The #hydrogentrade has been the subject of several reports and papers this month. SynerHy highlights two essential documents relevant to H2...
2022 Hy FCell International Expo & Conference
Juan Palencia|Oct 12, 2022| Technical articles
The 2022 edition of @fuelcell, the annual event for hydrogen and fuel cell experts, has come to an end. The meeting provides an extensive overview...
Hydrogen and heavy transport: IAA Transportation 2022 Hannover (Part One)
Juan Palencia|Sep 23, 2022| Technical articles
While the IAA Mobility Munich 2021 was the return at half speed of the most important event in the automotive sector after the pandemic, the IAA...
The negative effects of hydrogen on the atmosphere
SynerHy|Jul 15, 2022| Technical articles
A growing number of headlines increasingly warn about the potential risks of hydrogen as a substitute for fossil fuels. Most of them claim that...
Hydrogen storage and transport methods
SynerHy|May 13, 2022| Technical articles
"Hydrogen at €1.5/kg" is probably the most repeated slogan about hydrogen among politicians, manufacturers and companies over the last couple of...
Fuel cells vs. batteries – How will truck fleets decarbonise?
SynerHy|Mar 21, 2022| Technical articles
Road haulage is responsible for approximately 6.5% of global CO2 emissions. Trucks, which are increasingly used to transport all types of cargo, are...
The relevance of control software in the hydrogen field
Guillermo Maldonado|Mar 7, 2022| Technical articles
A power management system (PMS) is the system that provides detailed information about the energy flow in a generation facility.Figure 1. Typical...
H2-powered fuel cell trucks: Three technologies
Juan Palencia|Feb 17, 2022| Technical articles
Hydrogen renewable energy has a key role to play in heavy road transport and HDVs (heavy duty vehicles) to achieve the goal of decarbonising a...
Hydrogen storage methods
Laura Pérez|Feb 10, 2022| Technical articles
How is hydrogen stored?The following article reviews the different ways in which hydrogen can be stored and its current development status. Hydrogen...
Balance of Plant (BoP) of an Electrolyser
Álvaro Reyes|Feb 3, 2022| Technical articles
What is a BoP? Why is it important?A Balance of Plant (BoP) of an electrolyser is comprised of all the subsystems necessary for the proper function...
Uncertainties in Hydrogen Project Finance
SynerHy|Jan 27, 2022| Technical articles
In our previous articles we focused on technical and security issues related to hydrogen renewable energy, being aware of the interest it arouses...
Safety within hydrogen industry
Laura López|Jan 20, 2022| Technical articles
Renewable hydrogen is already a reality in Spain. In the last few months we witnessed how hydrogen-powered buses are taking the streets of different...
Route of a H2 molecule from an HRS to the stack of an FCEV
Juan Palencia|Jan 13, 2022| Technical articles
With this brief case study, our SynerHy team wants to describe the virtual route of a H2 molecule from its initial high-pressure (HP) compressed...
Dakar’s first hydrogen vehicle is a truck
Marcos Rupérez|Jan 10, 2022| Technical articles
The 44th edition of the Dakar Rally started on the 1st of January 2022. All the registered vehicles departed from the city of Hail (Saudi Arabia),...
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