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Green HyChemical Huelva Project

Nov 16, 2022

The SynerHy team was responsible for drafting the winning descriptive memorandum for this project, which arises from the need to decarbonise the current and future hydrogen consumption at a chemical facility in Huelva. These consumptions, which are necessary for the production processes, are currently gray hydrogen consumptions, as will be the future consumptions if a renewable hydrogen production plant such as the one included in this document is not carried out. The Green HyChemical Huelva project entails a total of 23.6 million euros. The industrial area, as well as the port of Huelva, is a petrochemical and industrial hub, with a great need for decarbonisation through renewable hydrogen.

Plan PERTE-ERA H2 NEXT GENERATION EU has granted financial support for this project.





O2 by-product
